About Terrie Tai

Terrie Tai is a highly-motivated and dedicated actress, author, music director, scenarist and teacher. She was born in China, and studied vocal and performing arts at Northwestern Drama School. When she lived in Hong Kong, she became a voice actress for the Gar Bo Films. Since she moved to the UK, Terrie has had more opportunities to learn music and participate in various performances.


In 2002, Terrie was appointed the Conductor of the Youth Choir and the Chamber Ensemble of St Martin-in-the-Fields.


As a chorus singer of Aquarian Opera, Terrie has been involved in a number of opera performances including Macbeth, Dido and Aeneas, La Traviata, and Die Lustige Witwe. In addition, she also participated in singing in many concerts at some of the most prestigious venues in the UK, such as the Royal Albert Hall and St John Smith Square. Her past performances include Handel’s Messiah, Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 “Resurrection”, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, etc.


In 2006, Terrie was appointed by “Dragon Page” as a consultant and started to promote music and arts to the Chinese community in the UK. She then began to interview some world-renowned musicians, and write column articles for the Chinese newspapers.


Terrie founded the British & Chinese Musicians’ Society with some the world’s top musicians in 2010. Together with them, she has been committed to the popularisation of classical music, and has regularly held concerts, lectures and other events.


Terrie’s other achievements in the recent years include:


In 2012, Terrie was invited to the “East Meets West”, a gala concert featuring Song Zuying, Lang Lang and Andrea Bocelli which took place at the Royal Albert Hall. Terrie arranged and taught seven Chinese traditional songs to more than 200 singers from the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Choir.

In 2012, Terrie appeared as a guest of “London Afternoon Tea” on Phoenix TV.

In 2012 and 2013, Terrie was one of the judges for Phoenix TV Europe Singing Competition.

In 2013, Terrie was appointed a chief tutor to the Guangzhou Angel Orchestra.

In 2014, Terrie was appointed a guest lecturer to the Guangzhou Little Swallow Troupe.

In 2015, Terrie created and directed a Pantomime “Little Star” in the UK.

In 2016, Terrie created and directed a ballet “Red, White, and Blue” in the UK.


戴莉  演員/舞台劇編導/專欄作家








作為一名 Aquarrian Opera 歌劇院的合唱歌手,戴莉參與了許多歌劇演出,包括“馬克白”,“迪朵與艾內拉斯”,“塞維利亞來的理髮師”,“風流寡婦”等。




2006 年戴莉受華人媒體 “龍裔傳媒” 的邀請,任命為為藝術顧問,遂開始每週為一些華文報紙寫音樂藝術專欄,受到讀者們的關注和喜愛。也開始了她在華人中間開展藝術工作。




世界著名大提琴家,皇家伯明翰音樂學院院長 朱利安·埃德·韋伯;

世界著名鋼琴家 郎朗;

世界著名小提琴家,指揮家,皇家音樂學院的教授 胡坤;

前英國國家歌劇院的首席男高音 約翰·哈德森;

著名鋼琴家 傅聰;

著名華人青年大提琴家 程家馨;

著名華人手風琴家及作曲家 姚藝


著名華人鋼琴家 吳倩;

著名華人小提琴家 陳佳峰;等。


并因此于2010年,她註冊創辦了中英音樂家協會,非常榮幸的韋伯先生擔任了協會主席。著名小提琴家/皇家音樂學院的教授 胡坤任藝術總監,戴莉擔任行政總監。各界中英籍頂尖音樂家們紛紛加入。中英音樂家協會致力於古典音樂推廣普及工作,定期舉辦音樂會,講座等其他類型的活動。


2006 年戴莉和張聰(小提琴家)創立了TG 演藝公司,開始作為一位創作型的藝術家,原創舞台表演作品。她集多種技能於一身,既是劇作家,導演,編曲,編舞,同時她也是一名有經驗的表演老師。




2007 年,演出了第一個舞台劇,改編自莎士比亞同名喜劇《仲夏夜之夢》

2010 年舉辦了世界頂尖音樂家參與的開幕音樂會

2012 年戴莉被邀請參與宋祖英,郎朗和和安德魯 波切利的在皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳的音樂會“飛躍顛峰”,教給皇家合唱協會180名歌手,演唱了7首中國歌曲。






2012 年和2013 年,戴莉連續兩年被邀請為鳳凰衛視的“全歐華人唱歌大賽”的評委。


戴莉曾多次被邀請作為藝術總監和總導演,參與英國華人舉辦的大型演出活動,其中包括:2013 年華人新年音樂會,2013 年慶祝64 週年國慶晚會等並創作了一些中英文化融合的節目,如芭蕾“紅旗頌”,變臉和流行歌舞的“說唱臉譜”等。


2012 年 戴莉擔任華人兩岸三地歌唱大賽的評委

2013 年和2015 年,戴莉分別為訪英演出的廣州小天使交響樂團,廣州小海燕藝術團 講授關於音樂和藝術表演的課程,備受到好評。

2014 編導演出了歌舞劇 “歌舞人生”

2015 編導演出了童話劇 “小星星”

2016 編導演出了芭蕾舞劇 “紅白藍”

2016 被邀請為英中時報舉辦的英中音樂節的歌唱比賽擔任評委。

2017 編導演出了芭蕾舞劇 “大觀園”


戴莉經常舉辦表演講座 “戲談魅力” ,向所有人傳達“學表演,提升自身魅力”,受到大家的歡迎。


戴莉的新作品,芭蕾舞劇 “鑄劍”將於2019年 1月 5日在 Greenwood Theatre 演出獨奏。


戴莉創作了3 部長篇小說《夜間的康塔塔》,《雙子》,《永恆女性向上飛升》曾在英中時報連載,還有一個電影劇本《Tansy Eyre》


Terrie With the Musicians

With The world Renowned cellist Julian Lloyd Webber

 戴莉和世界著名大提琴家 朱利安 勞埃德 韋伯

With Julian Lloyd WebberWen Guang Shao(Director of Phoenix TV , Xun Wu Counselor of Chinese Embassy in UK,

和朱利安 勞埃德 韋伯(世界著名大提琴家),邵文光(鳳凰衛視台長),吳遜(中國駐英大使館公使參贊)


Xun Wu(Counselor to the Chinese Embassy in London) , Jiaxin Lloyd Webber(Cellist, Julian's wife)

With Andrew Lloyd Weber and Julian Lloyd Webber

戴莉和音樂劇之王 安德魯 勞埃德 韋伯 及 大提琴家 朱利安 勞埃德 韋伯 兄弟

Meeting with Musicians


音樂家的會議:前排左起:戴莉,小提琴家 胡坤,安德魯 韋伯, 朱利安 韋伯。後排左起第一人是大提琴家程家馨

Interview With Lang Lang


Interview with Yundi  Li


Accept an Interview with Phoenix TV after Julian's birthday concert


Accept an Interview with Xinhua News after Julian's birthday concert


A press conference before the concert

Terrie is giving a speech
